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Built to Code, But Not Built to Last: The Importance of Professional Home Inspections

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Building codes are a critical aspect of the home inspection process, and they often lead to confusion and frustration among homebuyers, agents, and inspectors. Read here to Learn more...

Built to Code, But Not Built to Last: The Importance of Professional Home Inspections

Building codes are a critical aspect of the home inspection process, and they often lead to confusion and frustration among homebuyers, agents, and inspectors. It’s essential to understand that building codes are a set of standards that outline the minimum requirements for construction, design, and safety of buildings. These codes are developed and enforced by government agencies and professional organizations responsible for ensuring that buildings are constructed safely and meet specific standards.

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How Are Building Codes Compiled?

The development of building codes is a collaborative effort that involves the input of a diverse group of professionals. Architects, engineers, contractors, and building officials all play a crucial role in the process. Each expert is tasked with bringing their unique expertise to the table to ensure consideration.

The process usually begins with research and analysis of existing codes, industry standards, and best practices. This information is used to identify areas that require updates or revisions to reflect changes in technology, safety concerns, or environmental considerations.

Architects play a key role in the development of building codes, providing insight into the design of buildings or component specifications. They ensure that codes take into account aesthetic and functional considerations, including accessibility for people with disabilities. Architects also help to ensure that building codes reflect current trends in building design and construction techniques.

Engineers contribute their technical expertise to the process, providing input on structural design and the mechanics of building systems. This includes ensuring that buildings are designed to withstand the forces that act upon them everyday, as well as natural disasters (such as earthquakes and hurricanes).

Contractors also provide input on construction techniques and feasibility. They bring practical experience and knowledge of construction processes, helping to ensure that building codes are realistic and achievable.

Building officials ensure that building codes meet legal requirements and are enforceable. They play a crucial role in the development of codes, ensuring that they are clear, concise, and practical. They also uphold enforcement of the standards cited within the Codes.

The development of building codes is an ongoing process, with codes reviewed and updated on a regular basis. This ensures that codes remain current and effective, reflecting changes in industry practices, advancements in technology, and new safety concerns. Building codes also consider other factors such as energy efficiency, sustainability, and resilience.

How often to the Building Codes Get Updated?

Building codes typically get updated every three to five years. The International Code Council (ICC), which is a non-profit organization that develops model codes and standards used in the design, build, and compliance process, releases updated versions of the International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC), and other codes every few years. The ICC works with a broad range of professionals, including architects, engineers, contractors, and building officials, to develop codes that reflect current industry practices and advancements in building technology.

The Florida Building Code (FBC) is also updated on a three-year cycle. The FBC is based on the IBC, although the Florida-specific amendments to the IBC are developed separately and are reviewed and adopted by the Florida Building Commission (FBC). The FBC is composed of various technical advisory committees that review and propose changes to the code, including architects, engineers, contractors, and building officials, among others. After the proposed changes are reviewed and approved by the FBC, they are sent to the Florida Legislature for final approval. Once approved, the new code takes effect on December 31st of the year of the update. It’s essential for builders, architects, engineers, and other construction professionals to keep up with the changes in the FBC to ensure their projects meet current standards and codes.

So why are updates necessary? One of the primary reasons for updating building codes is to improve building safety. As new building materials, technologies, and construction methods are introduced, building codes need to reflect these changes to ensure buildings remain safe and secure. For example, the use of new materials may require changes to building codes to ensure they meet fire safety and structural integrity requirements.

Another reason for updating building codes is to promote environmental sustainability. As concerns about climate change and energy efficiency grow, building codes need to reflect these concerns by encouraging the use of energy-efficient materials and technologies. Building codes also need to incorporate requirements for sustainable construction practices, such as the use of recycled materials and the installation of green roofs and solar panels.

Built to Code Won’t Fail, Right?

While building codes serve as a vital framework for ensuring the safety and structural integrity of buildings, it’s important to note that they don’t offer a guarantee that a building won’t fail. The fact is that building codes are designed to set minimum standards, and compliance with these codes does not necessarily mean that a building is perfectly safe or immune to problems.

To illustrate this point, consider that building codes are continually evolving to adapt to new technology, materials, and construction methods. As a result, buildings constructed under older codes may not meet current standards. Moreover, some structures may be designed and constructed to exceed minimum code requirements, while others may not meet these standards, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Another factor to consider is that building codes primarily focus on structural integrity and safety concerns, while other important aspects of a building, such as energy efficiency, water conservation, and accessibility, may not be fully addressed by codes. Therefore, it’s essential to have a professional Home Inspection conducted by a qualified inspector, regardless of the age or construction date of a property.

Will My Home Inspector Confirm it’s Built “To Code”?

When a home buyer hires a professional inspector to evaluate a property’s condition, they often expect the inspector to confirm whether or not the property was built “to code.” However, it’s important to understand that a home inspection is not a “code inspection,” and inspectors are not responsible for ensuring that a property complies with the latest building codes.

While inspectors use accepted construction standards as a guideline to evaluate a property’s condition, they do not have the same level of authority or responsibility as building officials who enforce building codes. Inspectors are not code enforcers and cannot force a homeowner to bring their property up to code.

Another challenge is that building codes change frequently, often every few years. These changes can be significant, and structures built under older codes may not meet current standards. This makes it difficult for inspectors to determine which code was in effect when work was done on a property in the past.

The most crippling wrinkle, however, is that the Building Code “in-force” is the one that was active at the time of the building’s construction. This means that a Building Inspector must pull the code from the time of construction, and weight it’s adequacy against that. Your Home Inspector will weight based on the most modern standards, as these standards take into account all that has been learned on the failure of the component(s) at hand. While this may not be a “Code Violation” it can still be used as an illustration, by a Home Inspector, of an unsafe or other condition in need of remedy.

Then Why Hire a Home Inspector?

While building codes set out specific requirements for things like electrical wiring, plumbing systems, and fire safety measures, they don’t necessarily address all potential problems that could arise in a building. For example, a building code might require a certain number of smoke detectors in a home, but it doesn’t necessarily ensure that they are installed correctly or that they will function properly in the event of a fire. The code also does not account for whether the component was altered or continues to operate correctly.

Furthermore, building codes are typically enforced by local building departments, which may not have the resources to conduct in-depth inspections of every property in their jurisdiction. A building inspector might check to ensure that a newly constructed home has the correct number of electrical outlets, but they might not notice if those outlets are wired improperly or if there are other electrical issues that could pose a hazard.

This is where professional home inspections come in. A licensed home inspector will evaluate a property’s condition based on their expertise and experience, using accepted construction standards as a guideline. Unlike a code inspection, a home inspection is designed to identify potential problems and hazards that could compromise the safety, livability, or resale value of a property.

During a home inspection, an inspector will evaluate a property’s structural integrity, electrical and plumbing systems, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, roofing and insulation, and other key components. They will also look for signs of damage, wear and tear, and other issues that could indicate a problem. If a problem is identified, the inspector will provide recommendations for repairs or further evaluation by a specialist.

In conclusion, while building codes are a necessary component of the construction industry, they are only the minimum standard, and items built to code can still fail. Professional home inspections are critical to ensuring that a property is safe, livable, and structurally sound. An inspection goes beyond a “code evaluation” and identifies potential problems and hazards that might be missed during a code inspection. As a result, it’s essential to have a licensed home inspector evaluate any property you are considering purchasing, irrespective of its age or construction date.


In conclusion, building codes are an essential aspect of the home inspection process, and they are developed by a group of experts to ensure safety, accessibility, and environmental concerns. However, building codes don’t guarantee that a building will not fail, and a professional home inspection is necessary to evaluate a property’s condition. During a home inspection, inspectors use accepted construction standards as a guideline, but it’s crucial to remember that a home inspection is not a “code inspection.”

Hello!  I’m Mike Powell, P.E., the founder of Red Flag Home Inspection, LLC and the creator of this website.  I am also a Professional Engineer and Forensic (failure) Scientist.  Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.  We appreciate your time spent on this site and are always open to suggestions and ideas from our readers.  You can connect with us through our social media channels (FacebookInstagram, Youtube, Twitter, or Email me anytime. We would love to hear from you. 🙂

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